Mike Balik Long Distance Race
Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Annual Mike Balik Memorial Long Distance Race is held at Kukui’ula Small Boat Harbor. This signature Kukui’ula Outrigger Canoe Club race is named and dedicated to Mike Balik, a member of our paddling ohana, who lost a battle with leukemia. We honor him and his paddling passion by spreading aloha on the water and throughout the paddling community.
Entry fee is $120 per crew. Lunch and awards follow the men’s race conclusion.
Race Registration
Registration Form
Unlimited: Men, Women & Mixed
Novice: Men, Women & Mixed
Open: Men, Women & Mixed
Masters 40: Men, Women & Mixed
Senior Masters 50: Men, Women & Mixed
Golden Masters 60: Men, Women & Mixed
7:00 am to 8:00am Registration at Kukui’ula Small Boat Harbor
8:00 am Steersman and Coaches Meeting
8:15 am Pule and Dedication
8:30 am Start of the Wahine and Mixed Races
10:30 am Start of Kane Races
12:00 to 2:00 pm Lunch and Award Ceremony
Course will be announced on race day
For donations to the club in Mike’s name to perpetuate this annual memorial race:
Please enter your donation amount. You will be taken to Stripe to complete the donation where you may enter a custom note, using your choice of payment methods.
Annual Dues – $175
Race Fees – $20
OC1/2 Rack Rental – $200
Your Name/Email Address (Please click below to enter data):
For donations to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Mike’s honor, please click here: LLS Donation Site
Koloa Plantation Days Family Fun Run
Family Fun Run/Walk – 5K, 10K, 10 Mile + 1 Mile Keiki Run
Race is Sunday, July 28, 2024 – 6:00am–10:00am
Bring the entire family! Join in the fun and participate in the 2024 Koloa Plantation Days’ Family Fun Run! Four different course lengths for you to choose from depending on your ability, endurance… or motivation. All courses allow you to test your endurance while enjoying some of the most beautiful ocean views on Kauai’s South Shore!
Packet Pick Up:
Saturday, July 27, 1pm-5pm Poipu Beach Park
Sunday, July 28, 6am-7:00am Poipu Beach Park
Late Registration:
Saturday, July 27, 1pm-5pm, Poipu Beach Park
Sunday, July 28, 5:30am-7:00am, Poipu Beach Park
$5 Late fee applies for all late registrations (except keiki)
Event jerseys/T-shirts not guaranteed for late registration
Awards will be given for 1st – 3rd place overall and/or 1st place for each age division for each race course. Come for the prizes, race jersey/T-shirts, food and drinks, outstanding variety of silent auction items, and a fun party on the beach! Special awards for all youth 12 and under participating. Preferred race shirt sizes not guaranteed.
Officials Area opens at 5:30am
Late Registration: 5:00am-7:00am
Late charge of $5 extra applies to all adult registration on day of race.
10 Mile Walk Start: 6:00am
10 Mile Run Start: 6:30am
10K Run Start: 6:45am
5K Run Start: 7:00am
1 Mile Keiki Run Start: 8:30am
Race Course Directions:
10 mile
• Head straight up Hoowili Rd
• Turn right on Poipu Rd and head straight towards the Hyatt (a little less than a mile), turn around and run westward on Poipu road
• Turn left on Kapili Road and head straight
• Turn right on Hoonani Rd continue over the bridge
• Turn left on Lawa’i Rd then continue on to a slight detour and turn into Hoona Rd (this road runs right back on to Lawa’i rd, it adds distance for the 10K)
• Once back onto Lawa’i road the run continues on to Kukuiula Harbor
• Turn left on Amio Rd
• Turn right on Alana Rd (the 10K runners will be turning on the corner of Lawa’i Rd and Alana Rd)
• Turn left back on to Lawa’i road and continue on to the end of the road to the turn around point at the entrance to Allerton Gardens. Then reverse the entire run with the exception that they run straight back to Poipu Beach Park and not go to the Hyatt.
• Head straight up Hoowili Rd
• Turn left on Poipu Rd heading west
• Turn left on Kapili Road heading makai
• Turn right on Hoonani Rd (5K Runners will turn around right before the bridge)
• 10K runners continue over the bridge
• Turn left on Lawa’i road
• Detour onto Hoona Rd then back on to Lawa’i Rd
• Head to Kukuiula Harbor turning left on Amio Rd, then right on Alana Rd and turn around @ the intersection and run the same course back to Poipu Beach Park.
Route map and directions
Keiki 1 Mile Fun Run is an adult-guided course all within Poipu Beach Park.

For more info contact Fran at 808-635-0165, email at franinkauai@gmail.com, or visit the Koloa Plantation Days’ web site.